
Wednesday, September 25, 2013


The hole is deep,

Its slope is steep,

The ring of fire,

Raging higher and higher,

The buzz of wings,

Of the wasp that stings,

Will chase you in,

You slip and spin,

Down the hole,

You tumble and roll,

The dark pulls you down,

Deeper in the ground,

Farther in the dark,

Where it leaves its mark,

The end is near,

You dispute and fear,

The rope pulls taught,

Your hand is caught,

Within the safety line,

Of your heart and mine.


What is fear,
Is it an emotion,
A heartbroken tear,
Uncertain devotion,

Or is it change,
A new love token,
A jagged pain,
Perception awoken,

Or is it the unknown,
The tradition broken,
Things un-shown,
Words unspoken

Courage and Fear

Hope is blinded by fear,
Whenever the control is near,
Whether peace be near or afar,
We will grasp to it as an iron bar,
When into the sea we are inclined,
The time to release will be identified,
But into its depths we shall go,
Down into the great unknown,
And we shall release the iron bar,
But alas we have traveled too far,
For in its depths lies a hungry beast,
And on us it shall feast,
But we shall survive,
In fact we shall strive,
For it we shall fight,
All through the deep night,
Until at last we have won,
And in the dark we see the sun,
And as we go towards the light,

We shall remember the fight.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


The light from within,

Some call it will power,

Some call it influence,

But it is a beacon,

A beacon that calls,

A beam of light,

That shows the way,

To those who are lost,

In the dark mist of life,

It can brighten the darkest day,

Warm the coldest night,

Start a new flame,

Onto an unlit wick,

It is a Smile.

Hard water

When you first look at a brick, you think of it as something stupid, something that has no purpose. Bricks are a lot like us, people, at first we don't look like much, but we do have some potential. One of my friends could be referred to as a brick, he is buff, but seldom, if never, shows emotion, he is stiff and stubborn and once he makes up his mind, it's nearly impossible to change. These are the people which society needs. They are the foundation of the building. Sure, maybe the bricks are old, and could cause the entire building to fall, but that is why they are so necessary. We, the people who don't have a solid stance on life, tend to be like liquid. We go with the flow, and we don't stick to our personal opinions, we stick to others. In a way, you could refer to us as hard water.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Fire and Love

It burns like passion, flares like love, and moves like life, dancing and singing to the stars. Sometimes it screams, and sometimes it cries. It can be controlled, but it shouldn't be touched or played with.  Fire is addicting, once it starts, it just keeps going, until something else stops it. Love is fire, a solar flare, a nuclear explosion. ruining everything in it's path.

Friday, September 13, 2013


We walk from place to place,
Yet we go nowhere,
For we do not belong,
We are treated as pests,
In the New York sewers,
Kicked away with nothing,
We ask for something, anything,
And at the end of the day,
We look in the tin can,
And find two dollars and three cents,
Oh what a relief it is,
To know that I will be filled,
For the night is cold,
And my walls are thin,
I eat and crave for more,
Yet I know that I will not,
For tonight I was lucky,
Unlike the ones down the street,
Who fell asleep and never awoke,
For they had no warmth,
And no blanket,
But how fortunate I am,
For I have a blanket,
And some sun warmed bricks at my back,
And a pile of hay,
So I will awake and try again,
I will walk to the edge of the street,
And ask for more,
Anything is worth a piece of home,
Food my only motivation,
Yet people walk by,
Sometimes in a large circle,
As if I smell bad,
But I probably do,
And they walk by thinking that they know,
They don’t,
If they lived on the streets for a day,
They would die,
For they are so used to a lavish living,
That they would not survive,
And I feel pity,
For such was I on my first night alone,
And yet I still find comfort within myself.

The Pace Of Time

As the sands flow down through the glass,
Keeping pace with the hours past,
The clocks tick on the wall,
In the room and up the hall,
The bird in its house is waiting to spring,
Ready to burst out its musical ring,
As shadows sweep back and forth,
Forever staying on their own slow course,
They are cursed with the spell,
They cannot linger or dwell,
Never stopping,
Forever clocking,
Trapped in its rhyme


The delicate petals fall onto the soft dirt below,
Falling lighter than the fluttering of snow,
The petals land in a circle,
A blooming ring of pink and purple,
A blossoming explosion of extravagant shades,
Seems to set the very ground ablaze,
With the valiant rose taking its final breath,
Knowing it will soon wither into undying death,
It chooses to perform one final show,
And so it sets the very ground aglow,
But it will rise again in the winter after last,
And its petals will sparkle like shattering glass,
But when its death finally comes after seasons old,
It will be cut and placed on a poor lost soul,
In an open casket it will be put,
And will be buried with the dead deep under foot,
For that is what a rose is for it is said,
Forever marking the place of those who are dead,
Roses are red and violets are blue,
And the blood red rose will eventually be buried with you.

Friday, September 6, 2013


As rain and wind blot out the sky,
The giants above are beginning to cry,
Trees up root from the earth below,
The freezing wind howls with falling snow,
Rocks tumble from the mountains so high,
Mud surges down in countless slides,
The earth below begins to crumble,
And as the ground begins to rumble,
From under feet appear broadening holes,
So big they impend to swallow souls,
And the quaking,
Oh the endless shaking,
It turns the rubble to sand,

And the earth befits to a tranquil wasteland.


A flash of light,
Reveals the night,
With a flash so bright,
You lose your sight,
Now it is bright as day,
And you have lost your way,
You stop to pray,
But what can you say,
Don’t strike me down,
You start with a frown,
And a thundering sound,
Shakes the ground,
Your vision returns,
A fire on the ferns,
So quickly you turn,
Heat so hot it burns,
You step in deep mud,
Fall hard with a thud,
In your mouth you taste blood,

Within your heart you feel a flood


You hold in your hand a crayon with unlimited possibilities, such as when you begin in life. People often forget, myself included, what it means to be young. Young people have an imagination, an imagination that allows them to view an unlimited number of possibilities. Through your power of your creative imagination, you dream a dream. You visualize yourself as the person you want to become. Now take your crayon with it's same mind set, and work together, draw your future. Let yourself make a creative contribution to mankind as you draw your evolution. You can be good, or you can be great.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


The streets covered with garbage,
People begging for money,
This once was a great city,
What happened?
Nothing happened,
Nothing but me,
I left my house,
And took a walk,
I can see now,
What I’ve been missing,
I have glanced over the beautiful valley,
My eyes never seeing the hidden shadows,
In the alleys,
In the streets,
In the tunnels,
My life is luxury compared to them,
They have no home,
No place of belonging,
And I stop,
I give out a quarter,
To the first homeless man I see,
It pings in the little metal mug,
Enough for a pack of gum,
He has on beaten up grey clothes,
I drop in another,
And another,
Eventually I am out of lose change,
How selfish can I be?
I put in a twenty,
I look him in the eye,
He’s human,
He smiles showing rotting teeth,
I smile back,
And then I spoke,
Give this to someone who is in need of it more,
 And walk away,
That was all my money for today,
My job was paying me minimal wage,
I look back at the man,
I have lost something,
But have gained something more,
I'm Here

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time”. ~Thomas Merton

                  "The only choice in life is SELF CHOICE"