
Tuesday, September 3, 2013


The streets covered with garbage,
People begging for money,
This once was a great city,
What happened?
Nothing happened,
Nothing but me,
I left my house,
And took a walk,
I can see now,
What I’ve been missing,
I have glanced over the beautiful valley,
My eyes never seeing the hidden shadows,
In the alleys,
In the streets,
In the tunnels,
My life is luxury compared to them,
They have no home,
No place of belonging,
And I stop,
I give out a quarter,
To the first homeless man I see,
It pings in the little metal mug,
Enough for a pack of gum,
He has on beaten up grey clothes,
I drop in another,
And another,
Eventually I am out of lose change,
How selfish can I be?
I put in a twenty,
I look him in the eye,
He’s human,
He smiles showing rotting teeth,
I smile back,
And then I spoke,
Give this to someone who is in need of it more,
 And walk away,
That was all my money for today,
My job was paying me minimal wage,
I look back at the man,
I have lost something,
But have gained something more,

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