
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

spider bites and ice cubes

Your bite is poison,
it makes my heart race,
I feel like I am rising to heaven,
only to land in hell,
burning up in the stratosphere on the way down,
my ashes scatter around the world,
picked up by jet streams,
or by children who just don't care about the world anymore,
I am drowning in love as it scratches out my heart and,
makes my fire go out,
because the water doesn't care,
it just loves darkness,
and I don't think you care,
that I am living on an iceberg in the middle of the Arctic,
I am glad to be here,
constantly lying in the sun,
I smile at penguins and seals,
as they constantly fight over who is dominant,
because they think that the world is not big enough for the two of them,
if only they had left the ice block and found solid dirt,
where the sun doesn't shine all of the time,
then they would know how big the world really is,
but they are like you, a broken watch,
they think that they have all of the time in the world,
then I need to wind you back up and remind you what you were made to do,
tell me when you know, so I can finally leave you,
and head to the Arctic Ocean,
and find my own ice block,
and play with the seals and penguins.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Falling Pianos

How to love,
save yourself the pain and don't try,
The record of you love is still repeating in my head,
It's scratched and ugly,
but it still catches my attention,
I wish you could eject a record,
I'm looking for the button in my pocket,
to open my head and let you out,
but all I find is lint,
I drop bricks on the ground,
hoping you'll hear and come,
and I can't understand why the sky is still blue,
even after the sun sets,
I feel an emptiness in my heart,
It's bleeding tears in hope that you will call,
as I sit here and watch the phone on the piano bench,
I hit a key or two to take my mind off of you,
soon I make Mozart look bad,
then I realize that the button was never in my pocket,
the music of my soul that pours out of my finger tips,
now my fingers are crying blood,
the phone rings,
but I can't hear it over the sweet melody of the keys.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Dreams and wishes

Who am I,
I live to love,
and I love to learn,
I stretch my wings,
and fly,
I soar,
over canyons and valleys,
and oceans and lakes,
streams and rivers,
and then my house,
as I dream of leaving the nest,
As soon as I grow my wings,
I will do even more.


Emerging services for one thing,
has become a plague to it's muddied
picture and the benefit remains widely
limited when crafted for one group alone.
Everyone has issues, and you qualify.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

mask and soul

I wear a mask to hide the pain,
I feel inside,
Or I'll go insane,
I wear my clothes built on lies,
To hold the truth,
I know inside,
I wear my socks built out of love,
A blessing somewhere,
From up above,
I wear some shoes that I have stolen,
Cause' I needed place,
To put my soul in,

Reach for the Skies

My bare feet scrape on broken seashells,
I scrub my eyes with my own tears,
I fell in love with the moon,
only to have it leave me every day,
but to run back to me every night,
we sleep under the many eyes of the stars,
who cry once in a full moon,
their tears glistening for a brief moment,

I have toppled over trees just for fun,
the nests falling to the ground,
crushed under it's own supportive branches,
I throw rocks at birds,
trying to kill two birds with one stone,
because I know what it's like to be free,
and I know what it's like to be a prisoner,
I miss every throw,
but I continue to hope against all odds,
maybe I will eat today,
but I run out of rocks to throw,
and grieve in despair,

I have climbed cliffs,
hoping to reach the top,
not looking down at my past,
but forward to my future,
but once in a while I grab a loose rock,
and slip,
and fall,
I land on my butt,
realizing I had just barley left the ground,
I look up and can't quite see the top through the thick clouds,
This task feels almost impossible,
I get up and climb again,
you don't go anywhere just sitting,
you have to take matters into your own hand,
Climb, fall, repeat.