
Thursday, October 17, 2013

The moon and the ship

A ship on the sea tosses its bow back and forth,

And I haven't figured out how to knock it over,

The moon tells me what to do,

I crash into it again and again,

I feel the splintering wood,

And wonder why,

Why listen to the moon,

Why not obey the stronger light,

That cycling sphere that gives it's light to the moon,

And I didn't understand why I existed,

Or why the sky was blue,

But I knew that it was blue,

Like the book that was tossed into my great depths,

By a boy no older than ten,

Who had parents divorced years ago,

And who has never forgiven himself,

And later jumped off of a cliff into my murky depths,

Just to feel the wind again,

And the rush of being free,

Like the many birds that fall into the sea,

Trying to cross the sea,

Because they are tired,

And overestimated themselves,

And now I feel like the boat,

Beginning to splinter and snap,

And crash into the water,

And I stop,

But it was too late,

I had swallowed the ship whole.


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